Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Workout B of Stage 1 seemed easier than Workout A. Today I did deadlifts, dumbbell shoulder press, wide-grip lat pulldown, lunges, and swiss-ball crunches. Again, I had more trouble with the lunges than anything else. I find it difficult to balance sometimes. My legs were still sore from Monday, but I think it's more because I broke my right ankle in high school and it just isn't as strong as it should be. I have a hard time balancing on it. But maybe this will help fix that.

Today was a little entertaining because there were a lot of guys working out this morning. So there are like four around me, lifting much bigger weights and then there's me right in the middle with little pitiful ones. I hope they were impressed that I was lifting instead of making fun of me in their heads. Not that it really matters anyway. I'm impressed with my efforts to get stronger and be in better shape, and that's what's important.

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